My Spirit Guides want me to tweet

Jaime Meditate Edit.jpg

Funny but true! A short blog entry from December 2017 that I found in drafts.

It's true! They want me to tweet, facebook, tumblr, pinterest, intsagram, in fact, they wanted me to create the Kindred Being website! Until now, I've never been one for social media. I'm quite old school that way. I've always been rather introverted with my true thoughts and feelings, not wanting to make waves or push my ideas on anyone else. In this vein, I didn't see any reason to share most of my opinions for fear that they would be rejected, would meet resistance, or encourage debate. So I've been very mum on the real important things to me in my life unless I happened across someone who might share similar opinions first. 

That was then. Unfortunately for my old introverted self, my guides want me right out there in the open. This would have frightened me before but now I am able to objectively make decisions outside of fear. These past many months I have been receiving and interpreting messages from my Guides. In these messages, I am understanding answers to questions that have plagued my existence to this point. The answers are free flowing and my muddled mind can barely keep up! Well, my Guides have prohibited me from keeping these answers to myself. They insist that I share them with others who may have had the same questions. They also insist that this is a start to my true life path and that I will receive further fulfillment in sharing all of who I am and what I now know. 

It's quite a tall order but since they have yet to steer me wrong and in fact have been correct about everything thus far, I must acquiesce. No more hiding due to fear. They encourage me to leave all fear based decisions behind. Which in hind site was the root cause of all previous poorly made decisions. I have to accept that they have my best interest in mind and am doing my utmost to fulfill unlived potential that they are sure that I contain. So for now, I am learning how to use all of these social media options, and hopefully soon I will be better at it. Until then, bare with me and stay tuned for insights and answers.