Ascending Hypnosis

Ascending Hypnosis is a new modality that sees you as a whole complete being and provides opportunities for you to build on that knowledge. It eliminates the need for intermediaries between you and the information you seek. Ascending Hypnosis teaches you to trust yourself and quickly and easily access your own answers. It peels away all limiting beliefs to reveal your true abundant nature.
Ascending Hypnosis changes your perspective, the way you see the world and your place in it. It brings balance and peace to you and in relation, to your environment and when integrated, allows you to live in a world of wonder and inspiration. It shows you the path toward clarity and complete innerstanding. Through Ascending Hypnosis, you become more you, the you that is unencumbered by burdens that no longer serve you.
Ascension is a path with activations and key information provided along the way. Ascending Hypnosis is designed to parallel the natural ascension path and to accelerate it. It cuts through the jungle of dogma and unnecessary information to create a clear path straight to Source love and knowledge. It quiets the noise and lets you hear your inner voice of wisdom.
How Does it work?
You. Ascending hypnosis relies wholly on you and trusts your ability to connect to Source energy, your energy. It sets the stage and gives you the opportunity to shine. Ascending Hypnosis believes in you and your natural abilities to connect with the energetic realm that we are a part of. There is no separation, and that knowledge will propel your journey of consciousness expansion.
At the Kindred Being office, you are provided with a safe and comfortable space to relax completely. You relax into knowing. Your active mind and body are quieted. This allows the inner voice of wisdom to come forward and show you the way. This is an inner journey of epic proportions and the information and activations that you need will come through. It’s a simple process of using your innate abilities as a human to open portals of innerstanding.
How is it different from other modalities?
Ascending hypnosis trusts you and your abilities completely without the aid of “high vibrational helpers” or unnecessary systems of thought. It exposes the information and access that you’ve always had. It takes off the training wheels and watches you soar. In short, the onus of consciousness expansion is on you and it has full belief that you can handle it.
This is not regression hypnosis, but it does include all aspects of regression hypnosis. This is a new type of hypnosis that is called Ascending Hypnosis. This means that you do not need to regress to “past” or “other” lives to reach “the place of knowing” or what other modalities would call your Higher self, your superconscious, or your subconscious. You can connect to that inner wisdom at will. In some sessions, this might be through a life experience first, and in other sessions, you may go directly to the place of knowing.
Ascending Hypnosis offers shorter inductions compared to other modalities. An induction is a group of wording or phrasing often with elaborate visualizations organized into a script. The purpose of an induction is to relax you and raise your vibration to connect to the energetic realms. Ascending Hypnosis uses shorter inductions and trusts that you are ready to make the connections yourself. It recognizes that this is a decision that you make and you can make it at any time.
Shorter inductions allow for shorter sessions keeping each session focused on a specific topic. This allows you to fully and completely comprehend one aspect of your journey at a time. Shorter sessions allow for affordability with pricing. It is Ascending Hypnosis’ mission to allow access to this life-changing modality to the mass populace. That is why affordability is so important here.
Continuing sessions are recommended to aid you on your journey. Many modalities suggest only one long session. In this case, attempts are made to provide the client with a lifetime of knowledge and healing in one session leaving the client stunned and unable to process the avalanche that has befallen them. Other modalities may practice this all-at-once view of hypnosis but suggest future sessions.
Ascending Hypnosis recommends taking your time addressing and integrating each step in your journey. This calls for separate and distinct sessions designed to be spaced out and lead into the next session. This is why the Ascending Journey was created. Please learn about it below.
Ascending Journey
Ascending Hypnosis by Kindred Being allows for the space and attention that each aspect of your journey requires. Thus, it has designed a journey of activations and information at just the right time for you. You are led through portals of innerstanding. Each portal brings to you a deeper point of knowledge and increasingly reveals your greatest self, your true self. Each Portal is accessed in order starting with the first Portal and completing at the sixth Portal. There are two journey sessions in each Portal to choose from. Each evokes timeless truths of incarnation and irrevocable knowings. With each Portal, you move closer to your expanded expression of being.
Portal One
Perspective shift
The Perspective Shift is a two-hour session designed to align your energy with your true path.
The Answers session is a three-hour Journey designed to explore experiences from other lives.
Portal Two
The Releasing session is a three-hour Journey designed to address emotional wounds and traumas.
The Healing session is a three-hour journey designed to address physical ailments or goals.
Portal Three
The Love session is a two-hour journey to provide the experience of being bathed in pure love.
The Cosmos session is a two-hour Journey designed to facilitate cosmic explorations.
Portal Four
The Future session is a three-hour Journey designed to address what future you will choose.
The Abundance session is a three-hour journey designed to align your resonance to the abundance frequency.
Portal Five
The Abilities session is a three-hour journey designed to attune you to the frequency of your superpowers.
The Reality session is a three-hour journey designed to reveal the type of structure in which we exist. Reality hacking.
Portal Six
Source Experience
The Source session is a three-hour journey designed to provide you with the full Source expression experience. Remember what it is like to be the Source of all creation.
After Journey sessions
3 Month Tune-Up
Choose Your Own Adventure
Please contact us with further questions.