
Welcome to our collection of informative and promotional videos. 

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Certified Beyond Quantum Healing facilitator Jaime talks about what happens in a hypnosis session.


Kindred Beings Jaime and Karl share their open conversation about Energy work, dimensional shifting, vibration, feeling 3D, meditation practices, the nature of our universe, higher selves, and how Karl found this path of expansion.

Kindred Being Jaime discusses the changes happening with our sun. Clips and information are shared from Beyond Quantum Healing sessions as well as a video of our Alien friends busy around our sun.

Join Kindred Being Jaime in this discussion of the nature of our universe and our reality.

Join Kindred Being as we discuss varying topics explored by Erin in her many visions. We discuss ET's, Space Ships, and Fairies in Part 1. In Erin's Visions: Part 2 How to connect and Parallel lives, we go in depth about her process to receive these visions and we discuss parallel realities.
Join Kindred Being as we discuss varying topics explored by Erin in her many visions. We discuss ET's, Space Ships, and Fairies in part 1. In this video Erin's Visions: Part 2 How to connect and Parallel lives, we go in depth about her process to receive these visions and we discuss parallel realities.
Join Kindred Being as we discuss varying topics explored by Erin in her many visions. We discuss ET's, Space Ships, and Fairies in this part 1. We recommend Part 2 where we go in depth about her process and parallel realities. We discuss how these other timelines affect us and what we can do to help our other selves.

Join Kindred Being on the popular Youtube channel Unbiased and on The Fence where we discuss our path to Kindred Being Beyond Quantum Healing.

Kindred Being presents this Session video KB BQH Session 4 - The Choice between 3D And 5D. In this Session, Kindred Being co-founders Lilah Moriarty and Jaime Rodriguez explore New Earth concepts. Lilah Facilitates this Beyond Quantum Healing Session while Jaime is the Client.

Kindred Being presents session 3: Hedu, Medicine Man, And The End Of These Times, facilitated by certified BQH practitioner, Jaime Rodriguez.

Experience Jaime’s New Earth vision and assist in creating the New Earth in our reality.

Join Kindred Being on a journey of love. Enjoy the imagery, and transformative meditation. This meditation takes you on a relaxing journey of connectedness and reality transformation. Raise your vibration, expand your heart chakra, and love fully.

Kindred Being Presents: Meg's Awakening Story. Meg highlights the amazing aspect that just a few words can change someones life direction and spiritual journey. She shares the life that she lives following her spiritual path of balance and service to others. Find Meg and her healing services on her facebook page

Kindred Being presents this Kindred Being Beyond Quantum Healing Session in which we explore two past lives of the Client. One life in which she is a young girl living in a remote home with her mother. As she grows, she moves to the city and becomes a shop keeper.

In this video, Andrew shares with us his story of awakening and how it changed his life. Andrew describes the many synchronicities that led to his awakening and continue to this day.

This is a Beautiful Kindred Being Beyond Quantum Healing Session with Facilitator Jaime Rodriguez and Client Erin. In this journey, Erin discovers Stargates for interstellar travel, and experiences the planet Cyrus. Erin finds that she was once a "Triangle Being" and is still connected with them.

Join Kindred Being's Jaime And Renee as they discuss the events surrounding Renee's Awakening Story and how it changed her life.

Kindred Being present's Erin's awakening story. Join Kindred Being Jaime as she discovers her sister Erin's story of awakening.

Kindred Being Presents Ronnie Null's Awakening Story. Join Jaime as she discovers the parallels and uniqueness to Ronnie Null's individual Awakening experience.

Find out how this journey began for Kindred Being Jaime Rodriguez. Join Jaime as she touches on her awakening experiences and reactions to her Spirit Guides stepping in to her life.

In this video Kindred Being Jaime, explains how to use a pendulum using her own effective method. She receives a message from her Spirit team regarding the new Earth on camera. Jaime receives an important message for all humanity in this video while she explains the details of pendulum work.

Kindred Being presents: Hand Chakras Join Kindred Being Jaime Rodriguez with her tips for opening your hand chakras. She discusses the process and what to do after ones hand chakras are open.

Kindred Being presents grounding in the city with Kindred Being partner/owner Jaime Rodriguez. Join Jaime in finding places to ground and connect in a crowded city. Get to know the trees in your neighborhood and receive the many benefits of connecting with nature.

Discover the amazing past lives that just a few of our Clients have experienced through a Kindred Being Beyond Quantum Healing Session.

This video is about Kindred Being What's new in May 2018

Kindred Being has so much to offer!

This video is announcing Kindred Being's Beyond Quantum Healing Sessions available starting in August 2018.

This video is about Kindred Being and the Third Eye Crystals you can find here.

This video is about Amethyst, how it's made, and the benefits you can receive from this versatile Crystal.